
Print a game on paper for your students

As an active Plus member, you may now print almost all game levels and hand them out to your students as exercises to solve with paper and pencil. It might be good if you, for example, are having problems with […]

Create game questions in Excel

If you want to create your own game, but rather work in Excel, there is now an import function on the page for creating games. When you open the edit mode for a game level, there is now an button […]

Create groups of 100 students

A teacher is now allowed to create up to 100 students in a student group. This assumes that the teacher is a plus member. If the teacher is not yet a plus member, the limit is 50 students per student […]

Hand out login info to students

We have now made it easier for you to distribute your students’ login information when creating a new class. Now you can print login information for an entire class and get an instant printout that you can cut and distribute. […]

Edit assignments created by others

Now it is possible to give your colleagues access to your assignments. For example, if you are working together in a group or class, it may be helpful if your colleagues can add or change game levels, edit due date […]

Turn off sound effects

In some of our games there are sound effects. These are not required for the game’s function, but are intended to enhance the user experience. Sometimes it may be helpful to turn off these effects. Therefore, there is now a […]

Verify your student personal information

As a student, it has been difficult to verify the accuracy of the stored personal information. We have therefore created a Settings page which students can access after login, where information such as name, e-mail address and time zone are […]

Duplicate levels in your own games

Many have requested a feature to duplicate or clone a game level to a new game level. It can be convenient when you use time constraints and want to make the levels harder and harder or with fewer and fewer […]

Save games you like

Now you can save the games you like here on Helpful Games. When you’re playing a game you want to save, click the button in the shape of a heart beneath the scoreboard. The game will then show up in […]
