Rules for comments

Your opinions are important to us and enrich the content of Helpful Games. Comments on are moderated by Helpful Games, but the users is responsible for what they publish. Helpful Games reserves the right to unilaterally determine whether a comment should be rejected or approved. Anyone who sends in a comment that violates any law may be personally responsible for this. When you write a comment on, you assure that its content is yours and is allowed to be published. Your comments may be published in other ways than on We reserve the right to freely and without compensation to produce copies of the content and store and make available to the public.

Please remember:

  • Add value to other players with your comment. Usually this requires more than a single sentence and if you’re primarily targeting the staff of Helpful Games, please contact us instead. Examples of such are suggestions for new games, enhancements and bug reports.
  • Write the comments in a friendly, civilized tone in English and focus on the game that’s being commmented.
  • Do not write your contact information in the message field. If you want to contact us, we have a dedicated contact page for this. See below.
  • If you are a student, you’re not allowed to enter both your name and school in the message field, because you are not allowed to be identifiable by other visitors.
  • Your post will be available to other visitors to Helpful Games when you publish it.

Examples of content that are prohibited

  • Unauthorized publication of copyrighted material.
  • Comments that in an offensive manner involves ethnic group, sexual orientation, gender, political affiliation, profession or religion.
  • Profanity or obscene words.
  • Personal attacks or libelous posts.
  • Appeals for criminal or otherwise in violation of current laws.
  • Strong opinion about a game without explanation.
  • Request more game levels or harder levels in a knowledge game without making suggestions for implementation.
  • Brag about personal achievements.
  • Threats, harassment, bragging, gossip or lies.
  • Marketing of commercial or other sites.
  • Students writing about the game being too easy without accurately specifying a reason. Please note that there are probably students who find the game to be very difficult and can be disappointed by reading that others think it’s too easy.

Inappropriate comments

We would like your help to find questionable posts. Please contact us if you find a comment that is questionable or inappropriate.
If you have questions, please contact us at Helpful Games.