Time limit in your games

Now we have added a feature where you can set a time restriction on rounds when students play different levels in your own games. You will find the feature where you edit a game level. The time limit must be […]

More detailed game results for students

Now, students can get a better view of their playing. If a student log in and go to the page with the game results, there will now be a summary of the game results at the top: New measurements are the number […]

Set time limit on game rounds

In most games on Helpful Games, there is no time pressure. For some students, however, it may be encouraging to complete something within a certain time. For example, it can be completing a certain multiplication table within 30 seconds. Now you […]

Bulk edit students

Many teachers have many and large classes to manage on Helpful Games. We have therefore introduced a feature to bulk edit student information by classes or groups. You’ll find the feature if you log in, go to your groups, and […]

Easier text formatting

We have introduced a more advanced text editing on several functions: When creating your own game levels of type ClozeTest you can now format the text with the following styles: bold, italic, underline, strike through, superscript, subscript. When you describe […]

Choose animal

As a student you may now choose which animal to display in the scoreboard. Log in as a student and go to the page that displays current ranking level. Navigate to that page by either clicking on your animal in […]

Give students gold stars and easy to read reports

Now, you as a teacher or parent may reward your students with gold stars for their achievements at Helpful Games. You’ll find their achievements along with the other reports. There you may choose which performances you want to see and […]

Create games with video and audio

Now we have made it possible to add video and audio when you are creating your own games as a teacher or parent. It is also possible to enrich your already created games if you have suitable audio or video […]

Hide games for students

Now there is a new way to help a student focus on specific areas. By allowing a student to only see the games via assignments, you can choose exactly which game levels a student should be able to play. When […]

Speech synthesis in your games

We have now activated a feature that allows you to get your questions and answers read aloud to the students in your own games. The languages you may choose between are Swedish, English, Spanish, German, Italian and French. Speech synthesis […]
