Numbers 0 to 100 in French

Find 0-10
Number to French, Letter grid
Write in French, Questions with text answers Difficult
Find 11-20
Number to French, Letter grid
Spell 10-20
Cloze test
Tens 10-60
Choose French, Multiple choice
French to number, Multiple choice
Spell 0-60
Cloze test Difficult
Find 0-60
Number to French, Letter grid
French to/from num., Multiple choice Difficult

Recent activities in this game

Someone had a problem at level 1. Find 0-10 (Number to French) .
1 hour ago after 17 seconds of playing.
Someone had a problem at level 4. Spell 10-20 (Cloze test) .
20 hours ago after 2 minutes of playing.
Someone had a problem at level 3. Find 11-20 (Number to French) .
20 hours ago after 12 seconds of playing.
Someone got all words right at level 3. Find 11-20 (Number to French) .
20 hours ago after 3 minutes of playing.
Someone got all questions correct at level 2. 0-10 (Write in French) .
20 hours ago after 54 seconds of playing.
Someone got all words right at level 1. Find 0-10 (Number to French) .
20 hours ago after 2 minutes of playing.
Someone got all questions correct at level 9. 70-100 (French to/from num.) .
2024-07-26 05:18 after 2 minutes of playing.
Someone had a problem at level 1. Find 0-10 (Number to French) .
2024-07-26 05:18 after 4 seconds of playing.
Someone got all questions correct at level 9. 70-100 (French to/from num.) .
2024-07-26 05:17 after 1 minute of playing.
Someone had a problem at level 9. 70-100 (French to/from num.) .
2024-07-26 05:15 after 2 minutes of playing.

Practice to count and write numbers from zero to one hundred in French.

The game Numbers 0 to 100 in French

Instructions for Numbers 0 to 100 in French

Type the number that is requested. You will practice your spelling of all numbers between 0 and 100. You also have to type all the special e characters in the numbers: é, è.

Rules for numbers in French

0-16: Digits and numbers from zero to sixteen are specific words.
17-19: Seventeen to nineteen are regular numbers.
10-60: The tens are specific words too from ten to sixty.
70-90: From sixty to ninety, the base 20 is used.

Counting French numbers practiced:

1 – un
2 – deux
3 – trois
4 – quatre
5 – cinq
6 – six
7 – sept
8 – huit
9 – neuf
10 – dix
11 – onze
12 – douze
13 – treize
14 – quatorze
15 – quinze
16 – seize
17 – dix-sept
18 – dix-huit
19 – dix-neuf
20 – vingt
30 – trente
40 – quarante
50 – cinquante
60 – soixante
70 – soixante-dix
80 – quatre-vingts
90 – quatre-vingt-dix
100 – cent

1. Find 0-10 (Number to French)

Letter gridLetter grid - The level consists of 11 words, but a maximum of 10 word are practiced per game round. The player is shown a board consisting of letters in a grid and must drag the mouse pointer or finger over the letters until a word is found. The words to be found are placed on the board as readable words and they are listed with hidden letters next to the board. If the student manages to find all the words, the game is won. There is no time limit. If it is too difficult, the player can click the button named Cancel - then the correct words will be displayed - and then try to complete the level again.

2. 0-10 (Write in French)

Questions with text answersQuestions with text answers - The level consists of 11 questions, but a maximum of 10 questions are practiced per game round. The student has to write the correct answer without color guidance and has 3 attempts to write the correct word or sentence in each question's text field that are case-sensitive, i.e. upper and lower case is important. The student receives feedback on each keystroke to make it easier to type the correct answer. If the entered character is correct, the text turns green and if it's incorrect, the text turns red. There is no time limit. When the student has written all the answers correctly, the game round is completed. If it is too difficult, the player can click the button named Cancel - then the correct answers will be displayed - and then try to complete the level again.

3. Find 11-20 (Number to French)

Letter gridLetter grid - The level consists of 10 words and all are practiced every game round. The player is shown a board consisting of letters in a grid and must drag the mouse pointer or finger over the letters until a word is found. The words to be found are placed on the board as readable words and they are listed with hidden letters next to the board. If the student manages to find all the words, the game is won. There is no time limit. If it is too difficult, the player can click the button named Cancel - then the correct words will be displayed - and then try to complete the level again.

4. Spell 10-20 (Cloze test)

Cloze testCloze test - The level consists of 3 cloze texts and all are practiced every game round. The cloze texts are displayed in the same order each game round. In the game, the student is presented with 3 questions texts where certain parts (words or numbers) are hidden. These words or numbers have been replaced by fields where the student must either fill in the correct word, or select the correct word from a list. Sometimes, there's a question mark ? after the blank - if the player clicks on it a hint will be shown. The student has 3 attempts to write the correct word in the game's blanks that are shift-sensitive. A cloze text usually requires the reader to understand the context of the text in order to fill in the blank with the correct word. It may therefore be necessary to read the text several times. There is no time limit. When the student has filled in all the blanks correctly, the game round is complete. If any blank is too difficult, the student can click the Cancel button - this shows all the correct answers to the gaps - and the player can try to complete the cloze text again.

5. Tens 10-60 (Choose French)

Multiple choiceMultiple choice - The level consists of 6 questions and all are practiced every game round. For each question, the player is given three possible answers. Only one of these is correct. It is up to the player to choose the correct alternative. The student has 3 hearts (extra lives) that keep the game round going. There is no time limit. When the student has selected all the correct answers, the game round is completed. If it is too difficult, the player can click the button named Cancel - then the correct answers will be displayed - and then try to complete the level again.

6. 0-60 (French to number)

Multiple choiceMultiple choice - The level consists of 13 questions, but a maximum of 10 questions are practiced per game round. For each question, the player is given three possible answers. Only one of these is correct. It is up to the player to choose the correct alternative. The student has 3 hearts (extra lives) that keep the game round going. There is no time limit. When the student has selected all the correct answers, the game round is completed. If it is too difficult, the player can click the button named Cancel - then the correct answers will be displayed - and then try to complete the level again.

7. Spell 0-60 (Cloze test)

Cloze testCloze test - The level consists of 9 cloze texts and all are practiced every game round. The order of the cloze texts is randomized each game round. In the game, the student is presented with 9 questions texts where certain parts (words or numbers) are hidden. These words or numbers have been replaced by fields where the student must either fill in the correct word, or select the correct word from a list. Sometimes, there's a question mark ? after the blank - if the player clicks on it a hint will be shown. The student has 3 attempts to write the correct word in the game's blanks that are shift-sensitive. A cloze text usually requires the reader to understand the context of the text in order to fill in the blank with the correct word. It may therefore be necessary to read the text several times. There is no time limit. When the student has filled in all the blanks correctly, the game round is complete. If any blank is too difficult, the student can click the Cancel button - this shows all the correct answers to the gaps - and the player can try to complete the cloze text again.

8. Find 0-60 (Number to French)

Letter gridLetter grid - The level consists of 32 words, but a maximum of 10 word are practiced per game round. The player is shown a board consisting of letters in a grid and must drag the mouse pointer or finger over the letters until a word is found. The words to be found are placed on the board as readable words and they are listed with hidden letters next to the board. If the student manages to find all the words, the game is won. There is no time limit. If it is too difficult, the player can click the button named Cancel - then the correct words will be displayed - and then try to complete the level again.

9. 70-100 (French to/from num.)

Multiple choiceMultiple choice - The level consists of 22 questions, but a maximum of 10 questions are practiced per game round. For each question, the player is given three possible answers. Only one of these is correct. It is up to the player to choose the correct alternative. The student has 3 hearts (extra lives) that keep the game round going. There is no time limit. When the student has selected all the correct answers, the game round is completed. If it is too difficult, the player can click the button named Cancel - then the correct answers will be displayed - and then try to complete the level again.

Calculation of knowledge points

Each completed game level gives 1 knowledge point in Numbers 0 to 100 in French. The maximum number of points (9 knowledge points) is achieved when you pass all 9 levels. You'll get a bronze medal when you complete a level 2 times and a silver medal after 5 completed rounds. A gold medal will be received after 10 completed rounds. In Numbers 0 to 100 in French, the maximum number of collectable gold medals is 9. You only earn knowledge points for levels that has not been cleared before. A cleared level has a green background above. Even when you have completed a level, you can continue practicing at that level, but it gives you no more knowledge points.

Similar games

Additional game information

Target group
Eighth grade - Tenth grade
Game creator
Helpful Games
Published online
Unique id
Saved by
0-5 users
Operating system
Free of charge


Total 1 280


If you find a spelling mistake or something else that should be corrected, feel free to contact the game creator or us at Helpful Games.

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There are a total of 19 comments on this knowledge game.

Daniel Lind
22 April 2024 10:51
Emy: 0 is spelled zéro in French. There is nothing wrong in the game.
21 April 2024 19:17
Please fix the e for zero please
16 September 2022 17:23
just search up e with an accent and ctrl c + ctrl v it
24 November 2021 16:37
Please fix the 'e' for zero...
15 November 2021 16:27
I did this on chromebook so follow along. Go to Settings->Device->Keyboards. Scroll down to input options and go in there. Then go to international keyboard. So you can make zéro. It works when you put ´ before the "e". Hope this helps!
Daniel Lind
19 September 2021 20:38
Someone: I can't find any problems playing the levels. Please contact us at Helpful Games if you find something that's wrong with the game.
17 September 2021 16:27
E does not work with zero please fix that
3 June 2021 06:06
i don't have a e like that but i like it
22 May 2021 14:35
i found that i couldn't put an accent on the E for Zero
27 April 2021 15:58
I found that I couldn't put an accent on the "E" for ZERO
18 March 2021 22:26
I can't do zero because I don't have an accent key
18 January 2021 09:49
I don't have a sent on my keyboard
15 January 2021 15:34
i was achelly able to do it youve helped me so much ill come on every day if i can and if i could i would give you a thousand stars thank you so much i lov ethis website can yo8u7 make more websites because ypour alsome im confident tosay things now to my class yov made me think im a real person
28 December 2020 11:58
I get zero wrong because I don't have a axsent on my keyboard
23 November 2020 16:01
good game i learn't fast and it wa so good and fun
16 July 2020 20:12
It is interesting and educative
15 June 2020 17:47
It is very easy to understand, its not confusing. Also to do a accent just don’t use a regular keyboard use on that is actually on your device and press your finger on the letter you want a accent and all the accents for that letter should come up, its easy. I like this game.
29 April 2020 20:01
How do you even do this? it is so confusing, and very frustrating!
19 March 2020 18:39
It wount let me get the number zero correct cuase it has an axsent and i dont know how too get it
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