Inappropriate ads

On, ads may be displayed for anyone who is not a Plus member. Plus members use where no ads are displayed. Although advertisement on is our primary source to cover our costs of operation and administration of Helpfulgames, we have tried our best to minimize the distraction of the ads. We show no ads the first 7 days of membership. We show no ads when a student is actively playing a level in a game. The ads have also been placed far away from the central content on each page to minimize accidental clicks. All ads are clearly marked as advertisements so that they can be easily distinguished from the main content. We block ad categories for things like betting, alcohol, tobacco and health, and we also limit the number of ad units to minimize the distraction the display of these ads can cause.

If you still believe that the ads are too distracting, feel free to become a Plus member, which gives you access to where no ads are displayed. The plus membership also gives you access to

Keep in mind that if you have approved personalized ads, you may see ads that are suitable for you, but are not normally displayed to all visitors to Helpful Games. You can find the settings for personalized ads under the Privacy settings link at the bottom of any page with ads.

If you’ve seen an advertisement that is absolutely inappropriate, feel free to make us aware of it. This is what we need to know:

  • On which page on and where on the page the ad was displayed.
  • What device you used, ie mobile, tablet or computer.
  • Who was the advertiser.
  • The URL that the ad was referring to.
  • Please also take a screenshot.

Contact us with the above information so that we can become aware of the inappropriate ad.